
Psych Intersect specializes in inclusive and intersectional psychotherapy services for adults and teens (ages 15+) utilizing a multicultural, feminist, and psychodynamic lens.

Therapy is a safe place to explore challenges in our lives and find strengths that we never knew we had. It has the potential to lift us out of our rut so we can finally make the changes we've longed for. Whether you are working to decrease your anxiety, improve your self-esteem, unmask and live authentically, learn about your neurodivergence, change careers, explore your gender or sexual identity, engage in anti-racist work, or change your relationships, therapy can be a great place to get a fresh perspective and face challenges with a trained professional who truly understands the complex intersections of identity, personality, psychology, and culture.

1:1 Individual Therapy

Work with a licensed psychologist virtually.

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Psychoeducational Talks

Have a licensed psychologist join your team to give a talk related to mental health and well-being.

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Consult with a licensed psychologist who specializes in Asian American mental health, cross-cultural psychology, multiracial identity, LGBTQ+ identities, and intersectionality.

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Identity, like a river, is always changing, always in transition, always in nepantla. Like the river downstream, you're not the same person you were upstream. You begin to define yourself in terms of who you are becoming, not who you have been.”

— Gloria Anzaldua